Farm & Livestock
$FULL $125 EACH by OLD FARMER in Alamogordo, 4 days ago
i have 4 full circle and 4 half circle sections, they will fit many Farmall/International and other tractors with cast wheels. they also could be used for many other things where cast steel weights are needed. the full circle are all 6818-D [you can research this casting number and find a lot of information.] they are 23.5" OD, with an outer bolt circle of 21" and an inner bolt circle of 17". the half circle will line up with the full circles. you will need to decide if they will fit your needs. the full circle units are $125 each and the half circles are $75 each, CASH ONLY. may discount some if you take them all? i will answer any questions you might have on bookoo, i don't do cell phones. thankyou for looking. i live a few miles west of LaLuz gate stoplight.
Posted in: Farm & Livestock.
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