Albums for Sale (1000's of 33 rpm, Lp's )
$ 40.00 per foot (ar by Doc in LA LUZ, 1 days ago
I used to have a record shop years ago, but no more. I would like to sell my large amount of Lps for $40.00 per 12" blocks. If you stand your albums up and measure a foot across the top, the amount of records usually averages 80 albums. This could contain double album sets also. These records are in a storage unit and could be bought buy you for around .50 cent a record. You must buy in 12" bunches and you cannot pick and choose. I am interrested and selling all of them. Guessimated at around or over 1,600 albums. Contact me through this site first, if you please. Thanks (Doc) My Availability:
I can show my items today from 10:00AM to 6:00PM.